Saturday, 25 October 2014

Configuring the Administration Server " SAMBA" form VM_Ware

hi gust, yesterday I posted yesterday server administration is still on the network settings, now we continue setting samba, samba is used for sharing data between linux to windows xp LHA direct course, cekidot

The first step INSTALL SAMBA

# Apt-get isntall samba

    type y

    enter cd 1 on linux

    then enter

The second step birilah permissions for server and client

# Chmod 777 Data

     enter the password

     enter the password again

The third step for didirectori home folder on linux

# Cd / home

# Mkdir Data

The fourth step security settings and share definitions

# Nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

SECURITY search by pressing CTRL + W

uncheck #

DEFINITIONS SHARE search by pressing CTRL + W

turn into


          path = / home / data /

          comment = share data

          browseable = yes

          writable = yes

          valid users = guest

          admin users = root


change the read only = yes

change creat mask = 0777

change directory mask = 0777

save the changes by pressing CTRL + X ==> Y ==> ENTER

The fifth step resart samba

# /etc/init.d/samba Restart

The sixth step we headed to windows xp

sharing ip address in linux example \\

see if it appears data folder ==> then click 2x on the data folder ==> maukkan user: guest password: it's up to you, if it can be opened then my tutorial on success

if it has not been able to try once again

so many of my article today about the samba we go next diartikel next week

may be useful, GOOD JOB



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