Tuesday, 14 July 2015

PTC Mahal, $0,2 Per Clik Buruan Daftar, 5000 Member Pertama Langsung Jadi Member Silver 80% Dari Clix Refferral Mantap Bukan.....

(Gratis Bonus Peningkatan Keanggotaan) Pay Per Click Upto $ 0,02 & Ref. Klik Upto $ 0,02 Minimum cashout $ 1,00, Payout PayPal & Payza Anda akan menemukan 4 iklan setiap hari untuk harga per klik 0,001 $ ketika Anda pengguna standar. 
Status terbaru dikaitkan dengan situs ini dengan nbr adalah: baru. Dengan melihat kelas kami, Anda bisa melihat sekilas jika ini Paid To Click adalah scam atau legit PTC.
Minimum untuk cashout adalah 1,00 $ dan TOS mengatakan bahwa batas waktu pembayaran adalah waktu yang tidak terdefinisi. Anda dapat memilih di antara metode pembayaran berikut: Paypal, Payza. Dengan P.T.C. ini situs Anda akan menang 50% dari penghasilan referral Anda. Jumlah anggota mencapai 100 pada update terakhir. Kami menyarankan Anda untuk menggunakan link ini untuk dirujuk pada Sunclix.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Peluang Penghasilan Lebih dari $30 Per Hari dari NEOBUX

Apa itu Neobux....?

Seperti yang terlihat gambar di atas Neobux adalah sebuah situs PTC, dan PTC itu sendiri berarti paid to click yang mempunyai definisi situs yang akan membayar kepada user / member untuk mengklik dan membaca iklan yang mereka pasang. Setiap klik iklan yang kita lakukan dihargai dengan $ (dolar), jadi semakin banyak anda klik iklan setiap harinya, maka semakin besar pula penghasilan dolar yang masuk ke akun anda.

Kenapa Harus Neobux?

Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa banyak sekali program-program PTC selain NeoBux yang bertebaran di internet. Ada banyak faktor yang harus diperhatikan ketika Anda akan bergabung dalam sebuat program PTC yaitu bagaimana sistemnya, bagaimana aturan hubungan,hak, kewajiban antara client/anda dan provider/penyelenggara dan yang paling penting adalah tentang jaminan pembayaran. 

Terbukti sejak 2008 sampai sekarang reputasi neobux sangat baik bahkan jadi PTC Nomor satu (1) di dunia,pembayarannya pun Instan yaitu ketika anda ingin menarik uang hasil kerja di Neobux saat detik itu juga langsung masuk ke Paypal andaYaa...!!! dalam hitungan detik langsung masuk ke rekening Paypal.

Lalu apa yang harus kita lakukan dengan PTC ? dan berapa NeoBux akan membayar kita?

Hanya meng-klik iklan yang disediakan oleh NeoBux. Kapan itu ? Sesering yang dapat anda lakukan. Idealnya anda hanya membutuhkan waktu 5 - 10 menit tiap hari untuk menyelesaikan tugas mengklik iklan. 

Berapa kita akan dibayar untuk setiap klik iklan? 

Anda dibayar antara $0.001 sampai dengan $0.02 setiap klik, tergantung dengan jenis iklannya.

Sehari saya dikasih berapa iklan nih? 

  • Standard member dijatah iklan minimal 4 iklan perhari, rutin.
  • Gold member dijatah minimal 9 iklan perhari, rutin.
  • Ultimate member dijatah minimal 16 iklan per hari rutin.

Kok dikit amat iklannya ? Klo sehari cuma dapet 4 iklan, berarti sehari cuma dapet 4 x $0.001 = $0.004, dan kalau sebulan = (30 x $0.004) = $0.12 kecil amattt...... cape deh… 

Yuup... Emang kecil sih kalo kerjanya sendirian. Tapi kalo kerjanya bareng-bareng kamu bisa dapetpenghasilan $30 per hari atau $9000 per bulan bahkan lebih Itu ndak sedikit lho, setara dengan 9 juta rupiah per bulan. (Dalam dunia bisnis kita mengenal istilah “jangan pernah remehkan bisnis sekecil apapun, justru bisnis yang diremehkan oleh oranglah yang nantinya bakal mengejutkan orang banyak” Fokuslah pada factor KALI “X” ) 

“Tung Desem Waringin”

Maksudnya kerja bareng gimana ?

Kamu kerja bareng refferal atau sewa referral. Kalo kamu punya 2000 referral dan masing2 referral akan memberi kontribusi kepada kamu sebesar $0.005 per klik, maka hitungannya menjadi : 2000 ref x 4 iklan perhari x $0.005 = $ 40 perhari, ditambah penghasilan anda sendiri perhari $0.12, maka penghasilan kamu menjadi $40.12 perhari.

Jika Anda belum gabung dengan Neobux Silahkan daftar disini

Atau klik banner dibawah

Info detail tentang Neobux lebih jelas lihat  link di samping. (Neobux)

Semoga bermanfaat dan salam sukses.

Panduan Menjalankan Neobux Bagi Pemula...

Hai rekan rekan semua!
Halaman ini khusus saya buat bagi anda yang masih merasa kebingungan dalam menjalankan neobux, sejujurnya saya tidak menyangka sekali bahwa ternyata setelah saya merekomendasikan secara khusus program ini, timbul antusiasme yang cukup besar dari para pembaca untuk mengikuti apa yang dinamakan dengan PTC, namun sayangnya ternyata masih cukup banyak yang merasa kebingungan dalam menjalankan program sederhana ini.

Saya akan mencoba menguraikan setiap materi dalam bentuk video & dan uraian singkat, sehingga di harapkan dengan metode ini rekan rekan akan lebih memahami bagaimana cara kerja dari neobux itu sendiri.

Namun sebelum saya mulai masuk ke materi inti, saya ingin menekankan kepada anda mengenai beberapa hal tentang PTC itu sendiri. Saya menemukan sebuah fenomena yang cukup menarik saat ini, banyak orang yang ketika mulai mengenal PTC mereka langsung begitu bersemangat mencari beragam program PTC baru di internet untuk di ikuti tanpa pandang bulu, mungkin saja itu termasuk di antaranya anda.

Di luaran sana terdapat ribuan bahkan mungkin puluhan ribu program PTC yang online & mengklaim bahwa mereka membayar, namun pada kenyataannya saya yakin tidak lebih dari 1% dari keseluruhan program PTC tersebut yang akan benar benar membayar anda, saya tidak menakut-nakuti anda, namun saya berbicara apa adanya.

Saat ini saya termasuk tipe orang yang sangat berhati hati dalam merekomendasikan suatu program kepada orang lain, bahkan dengan sikap yang sangat berhati-hati sekalipun saya terkadang masih suka terkena SCAM (tipu) oleh suatu program internet. jadi berhati-hatilah dalam mengikuti & merekomendasikan suatu program di internet.

Bisnis OnLine bukanlah suatu tempat yang akan dapat membuat anda mendapatkan banyak uang dalam sekejap mata, namun apabila anda memang yakin & berniat serius untuk terjun ke dalamnya, maka andapun akan mendapatkan apa yang anda inginkan pada saatnya nanti.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Cara Menghasilkan Dollar di TRAFFICMONSOON


selamat siang bro bagaimana kabar nya semoga saja baik,,, siang ini saya akan membagikan sebuat ptc yang baru ini lagi boming bagi yang ingin daftar simak ulasan di bawah  .
daftar disini
bagi mereka pemburu dollar tentunya tidak asing dengan yang namanya PTC (paid to click) yang lebih sederhananya diartikan klik iklan yang dibayar, sebenarnya banyak lahan untuk mencari dollar dari internet mulai dari nge blog, nambang bitcoin, ikutan HIYP, survey, ptc dan masih banyak lainnya. memang sih potensi dari main ptc tidak terlalu besar namun dengan penghasilan pasti, apalagi mengikuti lebih dari satu ptc yang di ikuti dan giat dalam menjalankan bukan tidak mungkin bisa menghasilkan puluhan bahkan ratusan dollar perbulannya. ada beberapa PTC yang saya ikuti mulai dari cliksense, paidverst, namun kali ini saya hanya akan membahasPTC Trafficmonsoon, karena saya rasa PTC ini punya potensi income yang cukup besar.

1. jumlah bayaran perkliknya berkisar 0.02-2$ per iklan yang diklik, namun tentunya tetap membayar
2. dan kelebihan lainnya yaitu ads yang cukup banyak per harinya
3. adanya bonus tiap harinya 0.10$ dari refferal yang aktif
4. bisa dibuka dengan menggunakan open link new tab, jadi lebih hemat waktu
5. adanya bonus ads, apabila surfing ads tiap harinya
6. witdraw/payout minimum yang kecil yaitu 2$ (tanpa fee)
7. support paypal, perfect money, ebay dll
8. website locked security (jadi aman tidak takut scam)
9.Proses witdraw/payout cepat 15 min langsung landing
10. masih banyak kelebihan lainnya

Daftar trafficmonsoon


1. Usahakan rajin klik iklan tiap harinya, penghasilan pertama memang tidak seberapa, tapi bonus klik ads bertambah tiap harinya, kalau rajin klik iklan
2. usahakan surfing ads (10 ads perharinya) untuk mendapatkan claim bonus ads
3. usahakan di kombinasi dengan PTC recomended lainnya, seperti clicksense, paidverst dll, biar income lebih besar
4. upgrade akun, biar bonus ads makin banyak, dan earn klik lebih besar (saya sih masih basic/free member udah bisa dapat 7$ perharinya)

silah kan daftar disini
Daftar Trafficmonsoon Disini
tunggu apa lagi bagi kalian yang suka berburu dollar silahkan langsung di coba . Lebih cepat lebih baik apa kalian juga ingin mendaftar tentang PTC lainya silahkan anda liat dan daftar

mungkin sampai disini tetap semangat buat cari dollar receh di internet smile .
Sumber artiel :ads.id/forums

Sunday, 30 November 2014


gan! DHA has Crack Window 8.1, already have gk! , Certainly Blom punta DHA,'ve just downloaded the link below

==> Download <==

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Configuring the Administration Server " FTP Server "

before you configure the FTP server you must configure several components such as: 
1. Configuring IP Address 
2. SAMBA configuration 
3. DNS configuration SRVER 
4. Configuring WEB SERVER 
after all konfgurasi above are completed then simply FTP SERVER configuration settings 
1. # Apt-get install proftpd     select STANDALONE 
2. # Mkdir / home / faiz / ftp 
3. # Chmod 775 -d / home / faiz / ftp supreme 
4. passwd supreme     enter the password: 12345     last repeat password: 12345 5. /etc/init.d/proftpd restart 
6. # Nano shafa.txt 7. check dibrowser linux and xp     http://ftp.faiz.com 


Configuring the Administration Server " Web Server "

last week we have been discussing how to configure a DNS server, now we continue to configure the WEB server, just cekidot .

1. # Apt-get install apache2 

2. # Apt-get install php5 

3. # Apt-get install phps-mysql 

4. # Apt-get install mysql-server        enter the password:. 

5. # Apt-get install phpmyadmin        select apache2 

6. # Nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf        add "include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf" bottom in column 

7. # /etc/init.d/apache2 Restart

8. Try tests diweb browser type in your domain url example: http://faiz.com then retype       http://faiz.com/phpmyadmin/ and enter the user: rppt & password: 12345 


Saturday, 8 November 2014

Configuring the Administration Server " DNS Server " from VM-Ware

- The first step is setting the IP Address
   if you can not set the IP Address see here

- The second step install bind9
     # Apt-get install bind9

- The third step bind9 directory entry
    # Cd / etc / bind
    # ls

- Step four copies db.127 be db.192
    # Cp db.127 db.192

- The fifth step db.local copy into your domain address example: shafa7
    # Cp db.local db.shafa7

- The sixth step change db.192 like this
   # nano db.192
       @                                       shafa7.com.      shafa7.com.                                                

      @                IN                    NS                   shafa7.com.
       1.1.168       IN                    NS                   shafa7.com.
       1.1.168       IN                    NS                   www.shafa7.com.
       1.1.168       IN                    NS                   ftp.shafa7.com.
       1.1.168       IN                    NS                   mail.shafa7.com.

   save changes ctrl + x ==> y

- The seventh step change db.shafa 7 as below
   # nano db.shafa7
      @                                            shafa7.com.      shafa.7.com.
      @              IN                       NS                  shafa7.com.
      @              IN                       A           
      www          IN                       A           
      ftp              IN                       A           
      mail            IN                       A            

       save changes ctrl + x ==> y

- Step Eight domain zone and zone change ip address
   # nano named.conf
       zone "shafa7.com"
                file "/tc/bind/db.shafa7";

       zone "192.in-addr.arpa"
                file "/etc/bind/db.192";
       save changes ctrl + x ==>

- The ninth step change resolv
   # nano /etc/resolv.conf
      search shafa7.com

      save changes ctrl + x ==> y

- Step ten restart the DNS / bind9
   # /etc/init.d/bind9 restart
   wait until the process is complete

- Step eleventh check whether it has been successful
   # nslookup shafa7.com
    if it comes out like this then your settings successfully

      server :
      address :

      name : faiz.com
      address :

- Step twelve ping domain
   # ping shafa7.com
   if successful it will appear " REPLAY FORM .........."

- Step thirteenth try opening your domain address in a web browser LINUX and XP

if it appears the words "IT WORKS" then you declared successful,

so many of the tutorial setting the DNS server administration form VM-Ware

please try good luck .......

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Configuring the Administration Server " SAMBA" form VM_Ware

hi gust, yesterday I posted yesterday server administration is still on the network settings, now we continue setting samba, samba is used for sharing data between linux to windows xp LHA direct course, cekidot

The first step INSTALL SAMBA

# Apt-get isntall samba

    type y

    enter cd 1 on linux

    then enter

The second step birilah permissions for server and client

# Chmod 777 Data

     enter the password

     enter the password again

The third step for didirectori home folder on linux

# Cd / home

# Mkdir Data

The fourth step security settings and share definitions

# Nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

SECURITY search by pressing CTRL + W

uncheck #

DEFINITIONS SHARE search by pressing CTRL + W

turn into


          path = / home / data /

          comment = share data

          browseable = yes

          writable = yes

          valid users = guest

          admin users = root


change the read only = yes

change creat mask = 0777

change directory mask = 0777

save the changes by pressing CTRL + X ==> Y ==> ENTER

The fifth step resart samba

# /etc/init.d/samba Restart

The sixth step we headed to windows xp

sharing ip address in linux example \\

see if it appears data folder ==> then click 2x on the data folder ==> maukkan user: guest password: it's up to you, if it can be opened then my tutorial on success

if it has not been able to try once again

so many of my article today about the samba we go next diartikel next week

may be useful, GOOD JOB

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Configuring the Administration Server "Network"

Before installing the network configuration change to 2

1 for server / eth0 change to bridge

1 for client / eth1 change to the host-only

Login: root

Password: 12345

Setting the IP address # nano / etc / network / interfaces

Change like the example below

Text Box: Change your liking

Then restart the LAN with the command # init 6

Wait until the process is complete

Then ping the ip address below

ping ip address auto eth1 #

ping ip address auto eth0 #

if successful it will appear 64 replays from. . . . . . . . . .

after the above steps succeed then we switch to Window Xp Professional

change the network configuration into a host-only

after setting the ip address on windows xp

Then ping the server ip, ip win Xp Client & you

With the way the windows key + R

Server IP # ping

Client IP # ping

Win Xp IP # ping

If successful then your configuration running smoothly

So first administration server configuration page to the next step akna discussed next diartikel

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Figuring out a way to hack Billing

this time i will share How  to hack Ways Billing Software Internet Cafe Without  direct me to the scene: 

First 1.Cara

Computer -Find let not that a bit much the same ketawan Operator,
Computer Restarts.
-Habis punch Direct Press Restart  Button CTRL . (Do not Release Until At Nothing personal or anything gt).
Wait ..... If Game image already appears like PB or anything ... Direct deh. Lo Main .. earn points ... !!!!

  2.Cara Both

-Take square off
the right-hand push F5, F6, F7, F8 , (little finger pressed the F11, F12 ) The left hand pressed the SHIFT, CTRL, SPACE, ENTER But remember the time at the restart and when the window there is a new way of writing welcome emanated

third 3. How

-Open SMADAV [smadav what can really] cheers.
-Then select the tools menu What a Face
Select process manager.
-Arrow Arrow
- Then right click select actions KILL or Suspand dah biliingnya (usually still writing biliing billing explorer / client Exclamation Exclamation)
-WELCOME maen ... FREE ... tis tis ... tis 

4. How the fourth

... The computer Restarts. WELCOME fit then there is writing on the windows prepare yourself for pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL, do not show up until ya BILLING.NYa be the first! .... then after you press the button before it will appear the windows task manager and click the END TASK on Billing.nya program, jreeeeeeeenk, already deh we can surf without having to pay if caught how, easy to just say it, this computer had been living, wrong khan but sin borne yaaa
yaaa but sin borne

5.Cara fifth

-First Restar Client Computer
-Ntar Billing Window Out More Please Wait
- Just Can Guide And Admin Yng Clicked
- Quick Jump Aja Take his Admin
- Name Admin user should let passnya 008
-TRus click ok
- Click Exit Pass Client And give her 008 also
-ntar out the window again ,,
-There Posts yng Client Exit bottom right corner change the password with 008
-and then click ok ,, jreeeeeeeeng. ,,,,,, WINDOW BILLING IS OPEN ,,, WELCOME ENJOY .. ,,   

6.Cara sixth

-such as money you're broke ,,
-Main wrote first few minutes,
-Once That Stand By your computer right
-Suruh Turn Off Computer Operator we ,,,, not turned off via the client computer ,, already turned off the client computer (us) by the operator
- Do not push the button at the bottom of the CPU small part ,, it will merestar our computer
- Click on the one big button to turn the computer back on us ,,,
- computer time WELCOME mention there are programs that have not been closed
- in the midst Click on the ,, already deh ,, jendelah billing jebool already in the program who have not closed .., ,,,
CAUTION DO THIS TRICK WAS TOLD THE SAME operator ,,,, Ntar ops Angry Just You ,,,,,, 
Ok, first post here until this time, hopefully Ways ane good use

How to Disable Computer Others use CMD

Create Temen "a cranky, upset or anything like that with the slow speed of your internet, Ane Trick will give ya. those who already know or have read up here yah wrote this because the old school trick but if you want to read it too engga anything ko.

Hhmmmm ... sometimes we feel irritated when we surf the internet, but the internet speed is very slow, it is because many network users.

Well, I will add my internet speed by turning off someone else's computer remotely, of course, those who would we mantikan computers are in the same  LAN  with us and the person will not know who to turn off the computer,
Okay, let's look at the steps
Step 1:  Make sure your computer is connected to a LAN (Local Area Network).
Step 2:  Open  Command Prompt  or can also  click Run , type  CMD windows or can also press (press) + R  .  then it would look like the following image

Step 3:   Type  shutdown-i  in   the Command Prompt (CMD)  and will look like the picture dailog box below.
Step 4:  Click  Add  to add the person we want to turn off the computer. How the input  name  or  IP address  of people.
Step 5:  There are three option  Restart, Shutdown and Annotate Unexpected Shutdown.  Whatever you want to select which one.
Step 6:  Determine the time to revive kompter people. In  Option select  Other (Planned).
Step 7:  Type your comment in the table  Comment . Text you type will be read by people who want us to turn off the computer.  Example:  turn off your computer your computer is damaged.

How To Overcome The Cranky Canon Cartridge

Hm ..., It's a real experience. The last two days I was a little seized by the printer, more focused cases Canon Printer Cartridges (all types) . Printer does not crash, it's just that little cartridge cranky not want to do a good job. Printer output is far from perfect, the color cartridge just appear one color, which color is the color cyan magenta yellow and it just will not come out. I try Deep Cleaning up more than 10 times is not too fruitful results. 
Capitalized reckless, decision finally fell to his prying cartridge (Wuuuihh ... his male ego out, hehehe). An excessive courage because as a beginner that is not supported by adequate equipment and knowledge, secured greater consequences. 50-50 chance of success. But, after doing stages with extreme caution turned out to not only succeed but also new knowledge from the experience of the last two days.
Sure, on some pages I   visit have some variations but essentially the same. And certainly this is the first time I was a little reckless in applying it to cure all Canon Printer Cartridges.
So, the following tips and tricks in repairing Canon Printer Cartridges are problematic:
  1. The initial step try to have the balls were quite large, since the slightest wrongdoing ngeruk guaranteed hefty wallet to buy a new cartridge.
  2. Provide plates, instrument bail or glass / cans are made of plastic and glue
  3. Prepare warm water (Loh? Kok all of the tools to prepare a dish? Relax, this is part of a rudimentary tool .. ok ... seriously this loh)
  4. Take it from the printer cartridge and open the top of the cartridge, poked it with a knife / small screwdriver.
  5. Take all the cork is in the cartridge, place it in a clean
  6. Pour warm water into the dish, then soak the Head Cartridge (where the ink discharge) but not soaked it all, because his name is always prone electronics when meeting water. Leave on for 10-15 minutes
  7. Cork that has been taken was flush with hot water until completely clean. After it dried up completely no water even merely the seepage water, which surely must be completely dry. (Can be dried in the sun in the sun)
  8. Cartridges that have been raised soak then wipe with a paper towel on the inside of the cartridge until it is completely clean, no ink imprint.
  9. Cartridge Head Clean also part of her, but remember not too hard when sanities, just a little scratched her element then Cartridges can be damaged / can not be used anymore
  10. Once the cartridge is really clean, and the cork has dried up completely, then reinsert the cork as before. Then close the lid Cartridge her with glue. Allow the glue to dry.
  11. Next, insert the ink, if Cartridge color, size Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow must be the same number. Just a little different, then the printer prints the results will not be perfect. (Fill ink not too little, or even excessive)
  12. The last step, enter Cartridge into the printer, do Deep Cleaning (Cleaning not only) to perfect result.

Analisis Cartridge Printer Canon:
  1. If the cartridge is in place on smooth tissue, the ink comes out perfectly but could not do the typing and the results are still striped print, shadowed, meaning Cartridge has been replace with a new request
  2. If the cartridge is placed in tissue but can not remove the ink or ink discharge even very much, it means there is a dead end (clogged) on Head Cartridge, could still be helped.
  3. If the printout yellow to green and so on, it means that the ink in one color is more / less than the other colors. Should do the trick above.
Tips on maintaining the printer to remain durable:
  • The printer must live at least one time within 24 hours to prevent clogged / blocked, ink froze in the Cartridge
  • If you do print black only, the printer must rest for a minimum of 1 minute if we already produce print as much as every 25 sheets of paper, after 1 minute can be continued again
  • If you do a color print, minimal rest for 1 minute each printer after generating as many as 4 sheets of printed paper.